USS Patterson

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USS Patterson


(Bagley Class)

Laid down: July  23, 1935 by Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Launched: May 6, 1937
Commissioned: September 22, 1937
Decommissioned:  Decommissioning Party held at the Roosevelt Hotel,  Madison Avenue and 45th Street, New York, New York October 23, 1945
Fate: Scrapped, 1947
The Bagley Class as Constructed
Displacement: 1,646 tons
Length: 341 feet, 4 inches
Beam: 35 feet, 6 inches
Draught: 12 feet, 10 inches
Performance: 49,000 shp for 38.5 knots
Bunkerage: 504 tons
Range: 6,500 nautical miles at 12 knots
Guns: four 5 inch; four .5 inch MG
Torpedoes: sixteen 21 inch


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Above is a picture of the USS Patterson and USS Jarvis leaving the building dock, 6May1937.

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Above is a picture of the USS Patterson, Officers and crew when she was commissioned.  1937.

The following is transcribed from "THE BLUEJACKET'S MANUAL" 1943 edition.


    "Destroyers have become the all purpose ships of the Navy.  They are a gradual development from the small speed boat, which was envisioned as the logical torpedo conveyor when the torpedo was invented.  The Japanese made their first surprise attack with the original torpedo boat type upon the Russians at Port Arthur, commencing hostilities in the Russo-Japanese War.  With the establishment of the torpedo boat, the destroyer was developed, originally termed the torpedo boat destroyer, resulting in the present type.  Destroyers range in displacement from 1000 to 2500 tons.  They do not have as great a cruising radius as the larger types but are valuable as anti-submarine, anti-aircraft and anti-torpedo screens for them.  Against aircraft and light surface vessels they use their guns, against heavy surface vessels their torpedoes in night attacks, and against submarines, depth charges.  It is the custom in our Navy to name destroyers for Navy officers and men who distinguished themselves by heroism or meritorious service in the past.  It is best to learn the destroyers by classes as the total number is so large that individual ships cannot be easily picked out.  In peacetimes they carry large numerals under the bow on both sides for identification.  The destroyer classes are:

World War Flush Deckers 117 ships
Farragut class    8 ships
Porter class    8 ships
Mahan class 14 ships
Somers class    5 ships
Craven class   10 ships
Fanning class     2 ships
McCall class    12 ships
Sims class    13 ships
Benson class    24 ships
Bristol class    72 ships
Fletcher class 119 ships
Watson class     2 ships

    Many of the old flush-deck destroyers have been converted to auxiliary use, generally the conversion considerably altering their appearance.  They usually have only two of the original four stacks, and deck space formerly occupied by torpedo tubes is made over to accommodate features particular to their type as converted.   Among the converted types are: seaplane tenders, high speed marine transports, high-speed minelayers and high-speed minesweepers."




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